I started this blog because I have been seeking other ways to let my creative juices flow. Many friends and family who have been to my house "ooooh and aaaaah" over items I decorate with. Each time they are amazed that either:
A. I took an old piece of furniture and "re-did" it myself.
B. Purchased the item they "just love" at a yard sale.
C. Got my picture, or bed frame, or cabinet at a thrift store.
More than once I have been asked to help another with decorating their home. The thing is, I don't think I am good at coming up with decorating suggestions on the spot...so I usually decline or act like I forgot that they asked. This decorating thing that people think I have has come from many years of purchases, or wanting a new dresser and not being able to afford anything more than a can of spray paint to change it myself, or hunting yard sales and thrift stores.
My decorating style as my husband likes to call it is "Old-People stuff with some young people stuff thrown in". I told him it is referred to as "Vintage with a Modern Twist"....thank you very much.
So I started this blog to hopefully help you release those creative juices of yours when you want to add new items to your collection or re-decorate your house but have only $10. The good thing is the stuff I get range from 5¢ to around $30, so it can fit many budgets.
I hope this blog will help you see that $1.00 cabinet door at the yard sale as a picture frame. Or that it just gets you out to go to yard sales, thrift stores and sale racks instead of high-end stores when you just have to spend that dollar you don't have.
So sit back, check in at least once a week, and start putting your creativity to use!!!
WALL ART Cheaper than WAL-MART
Here begins our adventure in to Cheapville, USA. Our first stop along the way is Wall Art Ave. The pictures on these walls range from 5¢ to $9. With these items you don't need perfect credit or a financial planner. There is 0% interest and no monthly payment. Wall Art Ave displays some of the cheapest art available.
Here begins our adventure in to Cheapville, USA. Our first stop along the way is Wall Art Ave. The pictures on these walls range from 5¢ to $9. With these items you don't need perfect credit or a financial planner. There is 0% interest and no monthly payment. Wall Art Ave displays some of the cheapest art available.
Picture #1
$1.00 Cabinet Door and 50¢ pictures with no frames purchased from three different yard sales: Creative juices...get to work!
I hope you can see this picture. The "frame" is a cabinet door I got for $1.00 at a yard sale. I saw it sitting over by its lonely self. I had no idea what I was going to do with it until I got home. While rummaging for paint, I noticed two pictures I had purchased a few months earlier at a yard sale for about 50¢ a piece, but had not gotten around to finding frames for them. So I got some glue- forwent the paint- and proceeded with making a wall hanging for my kitchen.
Picture #2
Art surrounding my art. These items were FREE! My grandmother was getting rid of a few items and no longer wanted these two pictures.
Picture #3
My $1.50 a piece pictures from a yard sale I happened upon when heading to town one day
10¢ a piece pictures from Salvation Army hanging in my room.
(Note: Here is an example of the "Old People Stuff" he referred too) Pressed flowers in frames...can't say I blame him...
Picture in middle $1.00. Pictures on top and bottom, gift from a friend that she got at a yard sale for me. She knows my style ;)
Picture #5
Picture #5
Needed something to cover my electrical box, couldn't afford a wall covering, so got this rug for $9.00 at a thrift store.
Picture #6
My dollar store pictures and my thrift store bottle collection
There you have it. Just a few of my pictures that I have found for low, low prices along with having to get creative!!
So the next time you see those 50¢ pictures with no frame and stumble upon a cabinet door...grab 'em up and get to work :)
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